Why do people did not built the house or building with the material the same as the moon material??..well I mean,it is the actual fact that the moon can reflects the sun ray so that it gleaming brightly when the night come..so why don't we built our building from the same material so that we can light up our building the same way the moon did it??..I mean, we spent at least 8 to 12 hours of our life under the sun ray isn't it??..why don't we used it in a way that can reduced our dependent to another source of energy instead??..hmm kept wondering..
Assalamualaikum. Lame gile x update blog. berape tahun dah ni? gile kentang betol la.. pastu mengarut pulak.. ahahah..
Waalaikummussalam bro..huh..bosan2 ak tgk buln megambg hari ke 14 kite pose..hahaha..
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